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NEPA & CEQA Alternatives

The Final Feasibility Study is here.

The Bayside Community Resiliency: The Living Levee Project, a project under the umbrella of the Bayshore Bikeway Resiliency Project, will incorporate a variety of nature-based features and SLR adaptation strategies including:

  • A Living Levee: Elevation of the Class 1 Bikeway using an earthen living levee concept and ecotone slope to increase sea level rise resilience); and

  • Multi-purpose Detention Basin/Stormwater Improvements: A flood control structure/outlet will manage floodwater into the system and control stormwater discharge to the Bay.

The Project also provides additional coastal access and environmental benefits, including:

  • Coastal access trail enhancements: Adding separated pedestrian and bicycle paths alongside the Bikeway to provide connectivity and reduce conflicts between bikes and pedestrians

  • Habitat Enhancements: Enhance and restore existing tidal marsh in alignment with implementation of the living levees and activities to increase tidal flushing in Pond 10A.

Problem and Need

The Bayside Neighborhood is one of the most vulnerable segments of Imperial Beach to coastal flooding. The Bikeway and the residential community in this location are prone to flooding during existing extreme tides near 7th Street and Basswood Avenue. Projected sea level rise will drastically increase the risk of tidal (non-storm) flooding at this location with projected 3.5 feet of increase sea levels impacting large portions of SR75 and the neighborhood.

CoSMoS Flood Projections.jpg

Project Area

The proposed Project development footprint runs from SR-75 to 10th Street along the existing alignment of the Bayshore Bikeway. The Project development footprint also includes Pond 10A, portions of Pond 10, the Bayside neighborhood, and the park within the Bayside Elementary School.


Land Management and Ownership

While the City of Imperial Beach is the project proponent, the proposed development footprint falls into several areas where the City of Imperial Beach does not have management or permitting authority. Therefore, the Project team is coordinating with adjacent agencies on the planning, design, and permitting of the project. Those agencies with land management authority are shown in the map to the left. 


The following images and diagrams illustrate the currently proposed coastal resiliency design alternatives intended to protect the Bayside neighborhood of the City of Imperial Beach from existing coastal flooding and future sea level rise and extreme onshore precipitation events. The alternatives are applicable to both NEPA and CEQA.

New Tide Gatea.jpg
Detention Basin2.jpg

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